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Different pleasure behind the walls

G-Regions overview

The scientist who first wrote about the G-Spot told us she regrets using the word, ‘spot,’ since it sends people on an often frustrating hunt for a ‘pleasure button’ that’s supposed to feel good right away.

Now, 30 years later, thousands of women have contributed their experiences, revealing detailed paths to G-Region pleasure.

A Pleasure in Disguise

When a G-Region is first rubbed, it can create a queasy, uncomfortable feeling before the pleasure begins to show.

Many describe G-Region pleasure as so unlike other kinds of sexual pleasure that it can take some getting used to:

For me, it was almost like I had to practice before my body recognised it as a point of pleasure.

When I found mine, I had such a I-have-to-pee feeling, I couldn’t imagine that ever feeling good. But I eventually learned to push past that and I’m so glad I did!

G-Regions Only ‘Wake Up’ After Lots of Other Stimulation

When SUPER aroused, G-Regions can appear out of nowhere, swell, change textures and become sensitive. We’re not talking ‘wet’ aroused, we’re talking after lots and lots of warm-up, clitoral stimulation, internal stimulation or even orgasm.

Mine is only there when I’m incredibly worked up. I used to think I just didn’t have one, because I had only looked for it prodding around with my fingers, not after lots of pleasurable sex.



This is great for women who have a G-region on the top wall. With one set of fingers inside putting upward pressure on the G-Region, another hand rests outside, above where pubic hair grows, and pushes down against the fingers inside.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"Added pressure above"

Angling Up

There are lots of ways to make a penis, finger or toy to go directly upward into the top wall.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"My right angle"


Two fingers take turns rubbing over the G-Region, creating what feels like one long, continuous motion. Kind of like the ‘moonwalking’ dance-move. When one finger has finished its stroke, the other finger has already begun the next stroke.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"Continuous motion"


The G-Region can be “hooked” and pulled with finders, a penis or a toy. This is a great way to increase pressure without feeling poked at. With a strong and stable enough grasp, the hips and body move with the motion.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"Being pulled at"

Where are G-Regions?

So think of the veins on your arm. They branch all over. And if you look at someone else’s arm, their veins are in different places than yours. The nerves that run back from the clitoris along the walls of the vagina are kind of like that.

And while 67% of women who have discovered G-Region pleasure locate it on the top or just to one side of the top wall, the rest have them on the left or right side or bottom wall. A full 20% of women say their G-Region ‘moves’ from day to day.

Top Wall

48% of women have a G-Region on the top wall

Close to Top

19% of women have a G-Region slightly left/right of the top wall

Left or Right Wall

9% of women have a G-Region on the side wall

Bottom Wall

16% of women have a G-Region on the bottom wall

The Location Moves

20% of women say their G-Regions seem to move and are not consistently in one place.

Women Have G-Regions at Varying Depths


1-knuckle in


2-knuckles in


as deep as a finger can go


deeper than a finger can go

Bringing it to the bedroom


Positioning with Penises/Toys

During penis-in-vagina or strap-on penetration, there are special ways women have found to angle their pelvis to rub specific spots inside.

Hard Pressed

For many, the G-Region can handle a lot more pressure than other areas. So stay open to building up to much harder pressure than you or your partner are used to.

Body Position Helps

If a G-Region is quite deep, many sit up against a wall, lie down with knees against chest or with hips propped up on pillows to get better access.

No worries If It’s M.I.A.

Don’t feel weird if you can’t find a G-region. Some women just don’t have a specific, localized G-Region. That’s OK and normal.


Don’t Give Up Too Early

Give it some time. G-Regions could be anywhere in there. Remember it can take lots of stimulation before the pleasure comes through. For some, a G-Region can be there one day and gone another, so explore on different days.

Partner Pressure

3 out of 4 women who experience G-Region pleasure first discovered it with a partner. But it can get not-fun pretty quickly when a partner gets goal-oriented and it becomes their personal quest to be the champion G-spot-finder or orgasm-maker. So, partners, you can really help with this. But be enthusiastic about the journey, not any particular destination.

The G and The O

While some build to orgasm from stimulating this area, others don’t. It can be a complementary feeling or just nice in and of itself. So don’t think you’re not doing it right if it doesn’t build to orgasm. G-Region stimulation is often linked to Squirting, too!

Want to discover more?

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