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The joys of touch just inside the opening


The Shallow End

84% of women get extra pleasure from touch just inside the entrance to the vagina

Divine Detail

I think this area is really underrated. I can have really amazing sex with penetration just going in an inch and never further.

The first few centimeters of a vagina can feel sensation in very fine detail. That means there is a whole world of pleasure that can happen just inside the opening. This part doesn’t get the attention it deserves but many women have discovered techniques to get pleasure (and even orgasm) just from very shallow penetration.

“Most of the actual sensation for me is in the first inch or so.”

Watch Liz’s story for why how she discovered shallowing leads to orgasms for her while other forms of in-and-out penetration do not:



Start above the opening and curl the toy, penis, or fingers downward so the tip drags against the bottom wall of the vagina on its way in and then lightly curls up to touch the top wall. Repeat over and over.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"My little flick"


Put a fingertip/toy/penis at the opening and press it so only the tip goes inside. While it may seem like this is all about teasing and anticipation of more penetration, it’s not! The research shows that just staying with gentle shallow thrusts feels amazing.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"Just the tip"


The head of a penis or toy is often thicker than the shaft, creating a really nice pressure just as it begins to penetrate. Fluttering is a way to get that feeling over and over again with quick repeated presses —like knocking on a front door.

Heads up! This is a demonstration video, so it has explicit content.



"Against the entrance"

It’s different because I can FEEL there so much - even the tiny motion of a finger moving barely at all feels like a lot is happening.

Bringing it to the bedroom

Good to know

Warm and Wet First

Like other kinds of penetration, Shallowing feels better after other warm-up touches. And remember, lube is our friend! Even gentle touch around the opening can feel amazing when wet and uncomfortable when not.

Subtle, but Good Subtle

The sensations from Shallowing can be far subtler than touching the clit or labia or deeper penetration, but it can be rewarding. Give it time and try really focusing on the feeling.

It’s Not Just a Warm-up!

Many love Shallowing as a main-course. Others love going back to a shallow touch after deeper penetration (which can get sort of numbing after a while). It can refresh the sensation for deeper penetration.

Most common challenges

Slow and Light

Unlike clitoral stimulation and deeper penetration, where speed is sometimes appreciated, most women prefer slower, gentler motions just inside the vaginal opening.

Slippery Slope

It’s tempting to quickly move past shallow touch to deeper penetration, especially for couples when a penis head is just inside. But savoring the feeling just inside the opening can heighten the entire experience. Try giving it minutes, not seconds.

Great as a Mixer

If it doesn’t feel amazing on its own, know that Shallowing goes great with other activities. A fingertip just inside can be added during most other types of sex, like oral sex, other clitoral stimulation, and butt play.

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